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Friday, April 07, 2006

Some good news

I have a very late September LID. It took three almost four weeks for them to log me in, and it was another 6 or 7 weeks before I knew the LID. And I think most of ya'll from that time frame have a similar story to tell. I have an email from someone in The Netherlands that people who were DTC 3/23 were logged in 3/29 and that people with a DTC of 3/30 were logged in 4/4. And they know this on 4/7 That is quite an improvement. Hats off to the CCAA for working on this end of things.


Blogger RumorQueen said...

Someone pointed out to me that perhaps people are flocking to other countries and China is only getting a third of the dossiers they were getting so maybe this is more about that than about them becoming more efficient.

4/07/2006 08:40:00 AM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

My agency told me that the CCAA had hired temps to get the logging in of dossiers caught up. No word if other departments are doing the same...

4/07/2006 08:44:00 AM  
Blogger High Plains Drifter said...

We were DTC 1/27/06 and were not LID until 3/3/06. That's a long time. I'm chalking it up to Chinese NY and the high number (I think) of dossiers from January. We did hear just a few weeks after LID, so that's good I guess ;-)

4/07/2006 09:47:00 AM  
Blogger eli said...

its nice that they are logging in earlier, though earlier logins impress me about as much as speediness in the review room, i.e. not so much. it's other places where i'd like to see a faster pace!

one thing i have noticed about logins, is that they tend to take longer when you're with a larger agency. i was dtc on the same day as one friend and one acquainance, each of whom were with small-mid size agencies. I am with a biggie. Both of these people got login dates a week ahead of me. I read this somewhere else too and then i saw it for myself

I think it takes them longer to log in dossiers when theres a big batch from one agency and they want them all to have the same log in.

just something i've noticed...

4/07/2006 10:31:00 AM  
Blogger Emanual said...

Wow,that really hurts to hear, as I am with a big agency. So, is there any difference in anything being with one agency versus another? Do they all give updates? Do they all provide the same level of incountry support? Do they all do the same things? Is it a commodity, no difference which one you choose? I would like to know, so when I got to get baby #2 (starting the process the day after we get home with baby #1), I can make a better, more informed choice than I made the first time.

4/07/2006 10:35:00 AM  
Blogger Bibi said...

Hi Wereldmoeder,

I'm really interested which agency states that the wait will be more than 2 years.
(KT, WK, M?)

4/07/2006 10:58:00 AM  
Blogger Autumn and Baba said...

I don't know that it the time your dossier is received in China to when they log it in (LID) has anything to do with the size of the agency. With us, our dossier was received 7/26/05 and our LID is 8/10. Other times it's been less than a week. Other times, way later. We didn't hear what our LID was until end of August.

We had been told that it depends on how many dossiers the CCAA had receives when yours gets to them and when they get through them and log them in. They have a very structured way they handle the process there from what I've noticed.

4/07/2006 10:58:00 AM  
Blogger Autumn and Baba said...

oops i missed something in my post..
First sentence should read "I don't think it matters the time..."

sorry :)

4/07/2006 11:02:00 AM  
Blogger Autumn and Baba said...

Hooray and congrats for the recent LIDs.

Now on to the referrals!!!

I'm sure we all hope all of you with recent LIDs don't have a horribly long wait.

4/07/2006 12:51:00 PM  
Blogger LedaP said...

I am on the MARCH DTC list and there are SEVERAL families who were logged in within 4-5 days.

4/07/2006 02:21:00 PM  
Blogger LedaP said...

I need to add - it seems March 06 LIDs are going to be a HUGE referral month - I know our agency sent almost double the amount of dossiers this month as usual, they said it was the highest amount in a month ever sent for them personally.

And with LIDs flying through the way they did in March - I expect there had to be more than normal amounts of dossiers registered, wouldn't you think? Although we are all very happy right now, I am wondering what the consequences of this will be later -- just how long it will take to get through March - when they finally get TO matching March next year.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it all pans out...

4/07/2006 02:30:00 PM  
Blogger Autumn and Baba said...

Can I throw something out in the open here for thought?
Isn't it possible that just because one agency may have a 'heavier' amount of dossiers going at a particular time just means that there were alot of people that got their paperchase done appx the same time. And...that some other agency at this same moment in time who usually sends alot of dossiers out ends up sending a smaller amount at that time?

Just because a few agencies are showing a larger group at one moment in time doesn't mean ALL of the agencies are as well.

How many agencies are there that are sending dossiers over to China at any given moment? We have to remember that the time it takes for all of us to get through the paperchase part of the process isn't the same. It's just chance that, for example...someone who started in say October and turns their dossier in 5 months later is the same moment in time that someone who turns in their dossier in 3 months when they started in December. I don't think it's fair on all of your nerves and emotions to say that your LID month is huge based on what a couple/few agencies say.

Maybe this helps???

4/07/2006 04:21:00 PM  
Blogger SARA said...

We were DTC 1/31/06 and still no word on our LID. But we are working with a smaller agency.

4/07/2006 05:28:00 PM  
Blogger Autumn and Baba said...

Hi again...
just wanted to amend my earlier post. I don't mean anything harsh by what I said. I just know how those of us who've been "in the pipe" for a bit now and are close(?) to being up for referral (June/July/Aug/Sept LIDs) have been feeling about the delays and such. And I just don't want to see all of you with '06 LIDs ...especially March your fears of referal wait times on stuff that's currently going on for us.

If anyone's read alot of the postings on RQ's page here...we've all admitted to saying at one point or another that no one really truly knows what's going to happen as far as referral times. People have told me to "prepare for the worst and hope for the best...but don't worry about it". I agree with those words, but I also think that by the time 6,7,8 months from now gets here, the situation for you all will be different that it is right now for us with the June/July/Aug/Sept LIDs. I truly hope for that. :)

4/07/2006 05:57:00 PM  
Blogger LedaP said...

All I can tell you is our agency had over 90 families LID in March & I think their average is like 30-to-40. And it's not just the coincidence of finishing at the same time, because our agency sends dossiers every Friday.

And, the March DTC group already has over 200+ members...

4/07/2006 07:08:00 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Does anyone know if Holland received referrals in the last batch? My son's teacher has a friend there who said her agency told her to expect her referral in 2 weeks. Her LID is 5/29.

4/07/2006 08:02:00 PM  
Blogger Karmen said...

We were DTC 2/7/06 and we just recently found out our LID 3/6/06. That was a pretty long time. Since then there are others with my "biggey" agency that were DTC in mid to late March and already know their March LID. I do think CNY slowed everything down but now it sounds like they are catching up in that dept at least.

4/08/2006 08:17:00 PM  
Blogger eli said...

i too havent seen evidence that march is particularly huge, (these days i basically assume that every month is huge!) i did want to point out though that there are actually quite a few feb Lid dates before the 28th. I am 2/17 and i have heard of people who have 2/9, 2/13, 2/15, 2/23 and i think one more even before the 28th. So feb is pretty full up too, except for the first week of course...

4/09/2006 11:56:00 AM  

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