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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Quick Rundown

It looks like I picked up a good time to be ripped from the cyber world kicking and screaming. Here is what I am seeing.
  • The JCICS is having a big conference at the end of April, and some people are speculating that when the agencies get together we may get some news out of it. I'm not sure I'm buying that, if there was any news surely they'd share it with their clients? Still, we can hope I guess.
  • It doesn't look like we've narrowed down exact dates the CCAA Representatives will be travelling. Since the director must sign off on referrals, it's kind of important. It looks like they will be in Canada on the 22nd, so this is going to be a pretty long tour.
  • Someone said their agency got some 5/31 referrals today. How long has the CCAA Director been in the US? If he signed some Friday and then left I guess they would have shown up today. But, wouldn't we have heard about it already? I don't know - need more info on this one.
  • Some agencies are just giving current wait times. Some are giving times of 10 to 14 months. Some are warning it could go out to 20 to 24 months. I still don't really think anyone knows. I'm hoping my contact was correct that they don't intend to go past 12 months.
  • There was a message posted on the July DTC group at 11:30 Sunday night, saying it was (at that point) Monday morning in China and her agency had heard from the CCAA and then called her to tell her that they have not matched any of June yet, they were still working on May 31st. I call bullshit on this one - what agency calls people at 11:30 on Sunday night?
  • Someone with a LID of 10/10, was asked for more information recently.
  • Someone with a LID of 11/5 was asked for more information.
And last but not least, someone sent me a translation of something from a Danish adoption agency's website. Here is my synopsis of her translation.
A delegation from this Danish agency met with CCAA in Beijing on 4/7. They were told they are currently reviewing August and will post to their website when they are through with September. Next they went to the matching room where they were told that files from May 31st through the end of August are in the matching room. But they wouldn't say anything about how many children were to be matched, nor would they give an estimate of how many would be matched this month. They also could not get any information about when the CCAA may know this. The message says they "hope and believe" that May 31st will be in the next batch, but are "rather uncertain" if those with 6/3 LID will receive a referral. The delegation members were told that in 2003 the CCAA received about 1000 dossiers a month and in 2005 they received 2000 a month. The delegation asked the CCAA about the rumor that the CCAA was considering stopping international adoption. The CCAA answered that they will not stop international adoption. The delegation asked about how many children were being adopted domestically but were told the CCAA could not answer that question. The note ends saying they got good concrete information about the paperwork process, but that they are none the wiser for how long the wait will be in the future. The delegation came away with the impression that the wait will be significantly longer.
So, that's what I got from a very fast look. I'm not sure we know anything now that we didn't know Friday.


Blogger Melissa Ward said...

Somone on the May DTC group posted that they asked their agency if the director of the CCAA (the one who signs the referrals before they are sent) is one of the ones that is touring North America. She was told no, he is still in China.

4/11/2006 08:59:00 PM  
Blogger Autumn and Baba said...

Director General Lu and a small delegation was in Colorado today. They are leaving tomorrow 4/12. We (a group of us waiting parents) who were at the reception were told that this was their last stop in the US. What this means? I don't know since someone's saying they're supposed to be in Canada next week.
Nothing was shared about referral wait times. However if anyone is in the waiting child program, sounds like good good things are being planned.
I would like to add that if someone is saying that 5/31 referrals are being recieved at an agency then the rest of the agencies who have 5/31 families should have received theirs as well. I'm waiting to hear that this is true.

4/11/2006 10:04:00 PM  
Blogger Autumn and Baba said...

also, in case someone's thinking of asking...Nothing specific was shared about what is being planned for the waiting child program except that it will involve the web (CCAA's site) and should help to get more of these children into families quicker.

4/11/2006 10:07:00 PM  
Blogger Autumn and Baba said...

and one other thing... (sorry i figured i might as well get it all out at once...hehe)
about the Danish thing RQ: apparently the Review dept. and the Match dept. work independant of one another. True, you can't get into Match until you're Reviewed, but just because the Review dept. is done with August applications and is working on Sept's doesn't mean anything to the Match dept. except that they now have a bigger pile of dossiers waiting on them. Oh...and our agency basically said the slowdown is due to the sheer amount of applications at the CCAA.

4/11/2006 10:13:00 PM  
Blogger Autumn and Baba said...

good to know about the NY visit...didn't make any sense to me about them not being in the US after tomorrow yet not being in Canada until later next week.

4/11/2006 11:22:00 PM  
Blogger dianal said...

For anyone wondering about the WC program changes there are 3 agencys that I know of who are using the new WC piolet program. It has already made great strides in speed of Pre-approvals..there have been a couple of families who recieved their PA's in 72 hours. vs 3-8-weeks. Everything is submitted via the internet. Only time will tell if it speed up the travel approval process. I hope that it does and that every agency will be involved soon.
Just an FYI

4/12/2006 08:26:00 AM  
Blogger Tina said...

A friend who was just going to start the process to adopt her second child was tols the wait is 20-24 months. I can't believe it. She was told this by her homestudy agency. So- she is now changing countries. When she went through the process w/ her current child she only waited about 5 months! Anyway- 20 -24 months is not fact, just an estimate I guess. But- it irritataes me so much that it is presented as fact!

4/12/2006 10:38:00 AM  
Blogger RumorQueen said...

Tina - I am actually relieved to know that there are social workers being honest with people - the wait very well could be that long, and I think it is only fair to let people know this before they get so far into it that they can't choose another country.

I wish some of the agencies would start being honest - most of them are still hiding behind a "the wait is currently 10 months" and aren't pointing out that the wait could very well go out to two years.

4/12/2006 10:54:00 AM  

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