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Monday, April 03, 2006

Interesting Review Room Hypothesis

From an email - this one goes that they have sped up in the review room because of the new restrictions they are now following. The CCAA received a lot of feedback from agencies that it was very upsetting for people to not find out they were rejected until 6 or 8 months later. So, the new goal is to review the dossiers sooner. We were thinking they were getting so far ahead in the review room so they could do some big matching batches, if this is true then maybe not.


Blogger eli said...

This is very interesting and it makes a whole lot of sense - however, if indeed they are following newer, tougher restrictions as we have all heard, wouldnt be we hearing more about people being rejected for weight, other medical issues, or whatever?

I've still only heard of one rejection in the review room, the family with the husband in the wheelchair, which was discussed on this board. Nothing else, but maybe others are hearing more stories?

4/03/2006 10:59:00 AM  
Blogger Mick said...

So, what causes them to reject a dossier or couple?

4/03/2006 12:16:00 PM  
Blogger RumorQueen said...

It is my understanding (from previous discussions and rumors) that there are no newly written restrictions, but that they are following the existing ones a lot stricter.

I know there has been more than just the two wheelchair cases that were rejected in the review room. But, I think at least one other rejection was some transgression from when the husband was in his younger 20's (and, IIRC, he was now in his 40's). And that was a while back (December, maybe? going on memory here)

Basically, it sounds like the CCAA used to let some people slide through on things like that, but now that there are more (paper ready) babies than there are prospective parents, they are being a bit choosier.

There are a few agencies who are turning people down based on their own stricter criteria (that they are claiming are the CCAA's criteria) - but other agencies are not using that criteria and are accepting these people. I have no idea if that agency knows something the others don't know. But, it has made some of the rumors hard to sift through, because this agency's "new" rules keep getting thrown into the mix.

I keep seeing rumors that new (tougher) standards are going to be put in place by the CCAA, but so far we've not seen anything. There was also a big rumor that new rules would come down in the big December meeting between the CCAA and all of the agencies, but then nothing came of it. (I keep reminding myself that when they do implement new rules it has always been on any new dossiers receievd and did not effect ones already logged in)

I've gotten several emails asking specifics on things, and I'm sorry I just don't know the answers.

I'm still hoping that the matching people have been helping out in the review room since they haven't had many babies to match, and THAT is why the review room is getting so far ahead (and the matching room behind). But, I got this email so I posted it. At this point it is coming from one person at one agency, so it's pretty low on the "reason to freak out" scale.

4/03/2006 01:00:00 PM  
Blogger Maria said...

I heard that China is going to impose a weight restriction which really upsets me. We are DTC this month. I am 5'4 and weigh about 230, but I have lost 15 pounds since my medical exam going to China. UGH! Has anyone heard anything about this?

4/03/2006 06:16:00 PM  
Blogger RumorQueen said...

Maria - the latest I've heard is that anyone over 300 pounds gets extra scrutiny. If you are tall and that's the reason you are over 300 pounds then you're fine. If you are fat and that is your only "issue", and if your doctor signs off that you are healthy and have plenty of energy and all of that, then it still seems to be okay. But, being over 300 pounds and having another medical issue can be a problem.

Understand, this is just the conclusion I've come to after adding up everything else I've heard/read. I have nothing to back it up.

4/03/2006 06:42:00 PM  
Blogger RumorQueen said...

fu_fairy - there isn't really enough of a history of the "official" review room months to try to do anything with it. I've tried, and I've posted about my attempt (somewhere, I need to add a search box, I think) - but there just isn't enough history to make it mean much of anything. Yet.

I think this rumor has the possibility of being true, I am also hoping it isn't, but if they are *about* to really crack down on the rules, then it makes sense that they'd want to get the review room caught up a bit more before they do that, so families don't have to panic for quite so long.

It's only come from one place so far, but I have my eye out for it, to see if we start hearing it from multiple directions.

4/04/2006 06:39:00 AM  
Blogger RumorQueen said...

chinabound - I have never heard of anyone making it through the review room and then getting denied by the matching room.

In fact, the matching room doesn't even have our entire file. They only have what they need in order to match us - our passport pictures, the letter we are required to write where we officially ask for our child, and a few other pages that I can't remember off the top of my head.

And, the whole point of this rumor is that they are wanting to review families faster, so that if they are denied it happens pretty quickly and not 8 or 9 months after their dossier goes to China.

4/04/2006 08:19:00 AM  

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